Saturday, May 8, 2010

Blooming in the Desert

Celebration of the Feminine

I look forward to the sharing we will do Sunday, May 9th in Celebration of the Feminine. I look forward to the readings, poetry, art, music, scriptures and stories. If you would like to give me a heads up prior to Sunday on what you plan to share, please feel free to email me.

Our offering May 9th will go to the Children's Miracle Network. This is a non-profit organization that raises funds for more than 170 children's hospitals, of which Shannon Hospital is a member. CMN hospitals help sick and injured kids in the local communities. CMN funds are kept in the community in which they are generated to provide life saving pediatric care, education, research and equipment.

Bring for our pot luck anything that reminds you of your mom, grandmother, or another special woman that has provided spiritual nourishment for you.


Serving Others Next Sunday, May 16

We will participate in the South Central Conference 2010 Annual Meeting mission project by making personal hygiene kits for the Back Bay Mission Homeless Ministry. Back Bay Mission, located in Biloxi, Mississippi, is a ministry of the United Church of Christ, and its mission in part states it: " faithful witness for social justice and compassionate service to the poor and marginalized." They advocate for justice and also provide direct services for those who experience injustice daily. I will take the kits to the Annual Meeting in June.

Kit items still needed: 10 hand towels (approximately 16x28 inches), 8 washcloths, 24 wide tooth combs, 9 toothbrushes, 10 toothpastes, 26 plastic soap containers (to hold a bath size bar of soap), and 23 deodorants (solid or roll-on). Nancy York is coordinating the evening.

We will also hear about Isobelle Fox's experiences of the Transgender Caucus trip.

Because we will be putting the kits together, our "pot-luck" is snack food.

Appreciation Shared

I received the following email from Kristin Stanley, The Gathering's webpage designer and administrator for the past year. She also helped get our newspaper advertising effort put together in April 2009. Because of her increased load at Angelo State, both as teacher and pupil, she relinquished her Gathering responsibilities earlier this year.

Thank you and the Gathering so much for your generous contribution to the Humane Society of Tom Green County in my honor. I am truly honored and grateful.

Please thank everyone at the Gathering for me.

Love, Kristin

Cookie Dough Raised Dough for United Campus Ministries

>Many thanks to you all for providing cookie dough for UCM's fundraiser at the San Angelo Children's Fair. I lost count of the dozens we provided after 25! And a special thanks goes to Howard Green for stepping in at the last minute to help serve lunch for Food 4 Thought Wednesday, May 5. Eldra Sanford, the wife of UCM's Chaplain, Gary Sanford, had emergency surgery, so Gary was unavailable on Wednesday. A plea went out, and Howard volunteered. He said the experience was "absolutely great" and they served about 55. Yoohoo, Howard!

Zen: San Angelo Style

We received an email from Jon Blann with the following information about the
San Angelo Zen Center

New Sitting Times:

Wednesday Nights- 5:30PM-6:00PM
(25min sit, 5min walking)

Saturday Mornings- 9:00AM-10:00AM (25min sit, 5min walking,

New Location:
Jon's backyard- 1410 Mackenzie

Please come 10-15min early so we can begin sitting on time.
-Please observe noble silence (only quiet necessary talking, like whispering "where's the restroom?") prior to sitting.
-If you have interest in doing weekly or monthly discussions or maybe relaxed game night please let him know.

Beginning in June he will most likely add another weekly evening sit and maybe lengthen the weekend sit. Feel free to email or call Jon (512-636-8708) with any questions.

Prayers for Others and Ourselves

Maurice is graduating from Angelo State May 15! Yoohoo, Maurice!!

Our offering last Sunday was $200 for UCC Strengthen the Churches, and $100 for strengthening The Gathering. Thanks!

Please hold Ellen in your prayers and hearts as she visits a church in Phoenix, Arizona this weekend.

Also traveling this weekend is Isobelle - to the UCC Transgender Caucus in Cleveland, Ohio. Many prayers for safe travels and a satisfying weekend.

We remember and honor those who have mothered us into life and spirit.

Hold in Divine Light the Gulf Coast eco-system and those impacted by
flooding in Tennessee and Kentucky.

We remember Arizona and all those who are living with the complexity of immigration.

We remember all those whose lives are impacted by war and violence.

Continue to hold in Divine healing light John Geen and family and Eldra Sanford and family (see story about UCM).

Serving at Wesley Daily Soup Kitchen Saturday, May 22

Jessica Rios is managing the leadership role.
Yoohoo Jessica!

Menu: Meatball subs, soup, and salad.

Contact Jessica to let her know how you can help.

Season of Creation
A Poem
By: Bruce Sanguin

Scatter us, O Holy One,
like seed into fertile soil.
Bury us, in the loam
of what is yet to come.
Give us the wisdom, Sower of Life
to learn the delicate art of dying,
again and again,
until we know the difference
between the shell and the seed,
the persona and the soul,
the role and the real.

Crack open our hard shells
and release the thin filament within,
that knows to reach for the sun,
soul's fragile ambassador
heralding the universe of life
waiting to emerge.

Draw our greening souls upward,
in love with light,
And drive our roots deep,
allured by sacred darkness.
Grow us.
We consent to your evolutionary grace.

Renewal in Body, Mind, and Spirit

Neil and I will be spending time next week fishing and hiking in the beautiful state of Arkansas. We look forward to returning rested and rejuvenated. Thanks to all of you for continuing the evolutionary sacred work of The Gathering while we are gone. Because I will be away, there will not be an e-newsletter.


Contact Information

Karen Schmeltekopf

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