Friday, August 26, 2011

Gathering at the Well for Retreat

Like the deer that yearns for running streams,
so my soul is yearning for you, O God.
All who are thirsty, come to the water.
My soul is thirsting for God, the living God.
All who are thirsty, come to the water.
Sunday's Retreat

You are invited to "Go Back to the Well" - a day of communal and individual spiritual renewal and care.

* Sunday, 28 August 2011, 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
* San Saba River Ranch outside of Menard, TX (approximately 80 miles from San Angelo).

* The day will include times of community gathering, as well as individual and small group time. The planning team anticipates the day including fun, meal sharing, meditation, silence, soul exploring, walking, sitting, being by and in the river, worship, and possibly a drum circle.

* Those interested will carpool together: meet and park at 9:00 am at Mosaic Redwine Childcare Center, 5191 S. Bryant Blvd. (just off 87 South at Ben Ficklin Exit; in between Word of Life Assembly of God and Unity Church of Christianity).
* If you don't want to carpool, please GET DIRECTIONS FROM ME BEFORE SUNDAY AM.
* We will return to San Angelo refreshed and renewed by about 5:30.
* Morning snack, lunch, coffee, tea, and water provided by Side Oats Cafe and Bakery, Menard, TX.

* Suggested donation is $15/person for food, with scholarships available to cover the cost for anyone who's hesitant to attend because of cost. While there's no set fee to use the lodge and property, we'll also collect an offering to contribute to the upkeep of the retreat facilities.

*Things to bring: your Self; something on which to write (pad of paper, tablet, journal, etc); writing utensils; a vessel of some sort that has meaning to you that will hold water; drumming instrument if you're interested; lawn chair; light snacks for the afternoon; drinks if you'd like something other than coffee, tea, or water; money for meal and offering.

* Attire is casual - we have access to the lodge (called Selah, A Place to Pause and Reflect), which is air conditioned and comfortable, as well as the outside patios, walking paths, river, and acreage. Be comfortable for a day of retreat.

*Please let me know by Friday, August 26, if you plan on attending so I can give some kind of food guess-timate to our hosts and we can make some kind of arrangements for carpooling. If, for some reason you won't know until Sunday morning, August 28, that you can come, that's ok - COME.

For more information, to tell me you're attending, to share your anticipation about the retreat, call or email me:
No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome at The Gathering's Retreat!

Service Through Giving

31 July 2011
Total Offering Received: $627.00
The Gathering General Fund: $529.00
Gathering Benevolence Fund: $44.00
Gathering Facility Fund: $54.00

7 August 2011
Total Offering Received: $321.00
Project Dignidad: $191.00
The Gathering: $130.00
Plus sacks of canned and boxed food for Project Dignidad

14 August 2011
Total Offering Received: $488.00
West Texas Organizing Strategy: $208.00
Project Dignidad: $50.00
The Gathering: $230.00
Plus sacks of canned and boxed food for Project Dignidad

21 August 2011
Total Offering Received: $329.00
Humane Borders: $209.00
The Gathering: $120.00
Plus sacks of canned and boxed food for Project Dignidad

Important Notes

Because of our retreat, we will not gather at 5:30 pm, 618 Locust St. this Sunday, but will do so on September 4.

What does "God is Still Speaking" mean to you?

First HERO - Helping Educate Regarding Orientation Meeting of the Fall 2011 Semester is this coming Wednesday, August 31, 8 PM, UC 201. All are welcome to attend! For more information about HERO, ask me, Isobelle or check out their Like us on Facebook page.

For More Information about The Gathering:

Contact by email:
Rev. Karen Schmeltekopf

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The Gathering San Angelo
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The Gathering affirms the inherent dignity and sacredness of human beings and the value of all life in the universe. We welcome and celebrate persons of all racial and ethnic heritages, all gender identities and sexual orientations, and all faith perspectives into the full life and ministry of The Gathering.

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