Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Loving Community in Development

Gathering to Worship

Sunday, June 6 5:30 pm
618 Locust Street

Many thanks go to Nancy York for taking the leadership task of planning and leading worship for this coming Sunday night, June 6. As of this writing, the planning is on-going; the theme of our shared meal has been determined, and it's general potluck. To help Nancy and the community with worship, please contact her at:

Community Conversation re: Our Priorities

Sunday night, May 23, 15 of us gathered for a satisfying evening of attending to our sacred business. Ann Light summed up the time well with her analysis of the evening: "The Community Conversation Regarding Our Priorities was the best 'bizness' meeting I have ever attended. Lots of energy, commitment and enthusiasm."

One of the things we discussed and decided include: bringing back Dinner and a Movie night with the purchase of a DVD player and a projector. We also heard about the Community Connecting Workgroup's plans for special fall events, their efforts to expand our web presence with the purchase of a video camera and the process of applying for a UCC Media with a Mission grant. The Worship Planning Workgroup shared their recommendation to have a "low intensity" July and shift our fall schedule to include 2 worship services a month. And we heard about our finances and voted on budgets. We laughed, prayed, brainstormed, contemplated, volunteered, and celebrated the sacred community that is The Gathering. Thanks to the scribing done by Neil Snipes, detailed minutes are available. If you'd like a copy, let , let him know. For a copy of the present and proposed budgets, contact Pat Hines. Much appreciation goes to all who prepared, presented, and participated in the evening.

West Texas Organizing Strategy

West Texas Organizing Strategy is an organization of churches (of which we are one) teaching civic responsibility based on biblical values of justice. We organize for affordable housing, living wages, integrity in our justice system and equity in health care and education, among other things. The good news is that WTOS is making a very real difference in the lives of San Angeloans. A City of San Angelo senior staff member said the following:

"For many years, San Angelo has seemed to be a tale of two cities... between haves and have nots.... WTOS has fundamentally changed the dialogue in San Angelo...the driving force behind major neighborhood revitalization."

Some of the things discussed at last Thursday's meeting include the Kids Eat summer program, community gardens, keeping the program re: building affordable homes on track, public school concerns, economic issues, and the Hirschfeld Green Screen. Remember the Green Screen conversation of about a year ago? It concerns the noise and dust pollution for apartment dwellers next to Hirschfeld Steel. When approached with the concerns, Hirschfeld quickly responded, and as the saying goes, one thing led to another. Now 5 gallon trees have been bought, a nursery has offered to plant all the trees, a drip system for watering the trees is being put in place, and the City of San Angelo will pay the water bill for 3 years. How's that for helping neighbors voice their concerns - with results that literally change their lives for the better!

A reader of The Gathering's e-newsletters commented:

"I am extremely impressed with the scope and range of vision demonstrated by the WTOS. It is fantastic and means real, qualitative change in people's quality of life, for their whole life (i.e., positively influences access to educational, health and employment opportunities, while breaking the cycle of poverty for undereducated populations.) This is an organization we can be proud of."

I read something the other day about how Jesus' "healing miracles" were actually acts of political subversion because they challenged the status quo and brought Life to individuals overlooked by society. Maybe participating in WTOS is one way we further Divine subversive healing!

Next meeting: Thursday, June 24, 7:00 PM, St. Paul's Presbyterian Church.

South Central Conference Annual Meeting

Okay, I understand that every once in a while, as Pastor of The Gathering, I need to "take one for the team," and this weekend is my weekend of suffering. It's going to be hard, but someone's gotta do it, and since I do so love The Gathering, I'm willing. So what's the agony with which I'll be dealing? What's the sacrifice I'm ready to make? For what martyrdom will I become known far and wide? Of course - it's spending the weekend in New Orleans for the Annual Meeting of South Central Conference UCC.

When I leave early Thursday morning, I will take with me 18 personal hygiene kits, extra parts for more, and $140 we collected Sunday, May 16 for the homeless ministry at Back Bay Mission, Biloxi, Mississippi. I will also take delightfully creative Gathering brochures crafted by Jeremy Hahn, Neil Snipes, and myself. I return Monday. In between I will worship, break bread, attend workshops, participate in a skit about new church starts, visit with colleagues, talk about The Gathering, and be one of many doing the work of the South Central Conference. I suspect (and hope!) I'll also hear some mighty fine music and eat tasty Cajun food. Because no one in The Gathering is able to join me, my two sisters have volunteered (they, too, are into 'suffering') to come along. I look forward to the weekend, sharing about The Gathering while there, and sharing with you about the Annual Meeting when I return.

Upcoming Gatherings

Oneness Blessing, Sunday, June 6, 1:30 pm, Unity Church of Christianity

Quaker Meeting, Monday, June 7, 6:30 pm, Nancy York's house

Food 4 Thought, United Campus Ministries, Wednesday, June 23. We're serving the huddled masses this day!

West Texas Organizing Strategy monthly meeting, Thursday, June 24, 7:00 pm, St. Paul Presbyterian Church

News of Community Near and Far
Community is where we learn the ways of love.

MSNBC journalist and talk show host Rachel Maddow has discovered Alan! She cited his business oriented blog PEU Report on her Maddowblog. Go, Alan!

Tim McTAggart's dad, Col. Richard McTaggart, US Army (Ret.) is the keynote speaker for the 2010 Goodfellow Army Ball, Friday, June 4. Tim notes he will have stories covering WWII through Afghanistan and possibly including the time he climbed up the volcano now erupting near Guatemala City. Pretty impressive.

Bob Ballentine continues to receive care in a Waco hospital.

Larry and Irene Luvaul continue to seek recovery from complex health issues.

Haitians who lost their homes in the earthquake are anticipating living in "temporary shelter" for more than a year.

The Gulf Coast oil disaster continues to grow, with eventual consequences for the whole biosphere.

United Congregational Church, Lubbock: A rally/march on June 5 in Lubbock, spearheaded by CIUDAD, Communities in United Discourse Against Discrimination, will draw area citizens who support justice for all and oppose the AZ immigration law and any similar law coming to Texas because the law is unjust, it will lead to profiling and makes even associating with undocumented persons illegal. The march begins between 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. at Azatlan Park. After marching the 30 minutes to the courthouse, a rally is scheduled for 10:30.

It's been a Big Big Week!

The Community Connecting Workgroup (Alan, Isobelle, Tim, Neil, Karen) submitted our application for a United Church of Christ Media with Mission grant on 6/1/10. Thanks, CCW!

Jeremy Hahn, Neil Snipes, and Karen crafted a Gathering brochure which is quite delightful - and very Gathering-esque! Graci' to Jeremy and Neil for their creativity and efforts.

Wesley Soup Kitchen Report

And Jesus said: I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.
Matthew 25:35

Thanks to Jessica Rios' leadership and the hard work of Gathering participants, about 130 hungry and thirsty Divine strangers were invited in to Wesley Soup Kitchen and received a hot, hardy, healthy, and tasty lunch of meatball subs, soup, and salad on Saturday,
May 22.

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