"Only from the heart can you touch the sky." - Rumi
July Gatherings:
Gathering for Spiritual Growth, Service, Community, and Intellectual and Philosophical Conversations
July 11 - The Gathering: Neil will lead a discussion on the contemplation of origin, meaning and humanity from a perspective few have gazed. 5:30 pm, 618 Locust. Pot-luck theme: Summer Delights. Offering recipient will be Our Church's Wider Mission, described as "the lifeblood of ministry and mission in the United Church of Christ."
July 18 - The Gathering: Ann will lead the conversation as we explore the questions "If God is not a being (entity), what does it mean to love God?" and "If God is not a being (entity,) how does God love us?" 5:30 pm, 618 Locust. Pot-luck theme: Homemade Ice Cream Social and all that goes with it. Offering recipient will be The Institute for Marine Mammal Studies, an organization helping wildlife impacted by the Gulf oil spill.
July 22 - West Texas Organizing Strategy Meeting.
July 25 - The Gathering: Trudy will lead us in exploring and experiencing a prayerful meditation. 5:30 pm, 618 Locust. Pot-luck theme: Regular potluck. Offering recipient will be the local MHMR Workshop.
Living the Presence of Love
A sister UCC church, First Congregational Church, Hendersonville, NC, was the subject of Episcopalian Bishop John Shelby Spong's July 1 essay. The write-up is about a church choosing to live their values and challenge the prevailing community prejudices - and in the process, living the good news of Holy Welcome. This community is, as Ann Light says, "a breath of fresh air in the mountains of North Carolina," and a powerful example for The Gathering about living our Purpose and Practices. The write-up is too good not to share, but too long to post here. For the whole post, check out our blog - thegatheringsanangelo.blogspot.com. If, for some reason, the link doesn't work for you, let me know, and I'll email the article to you.
August Gatherings
Co-Planning Requested and Needed
We believe in the power of collaboration, in the power of a team, in the unique gifts, talents and strengths of all participants of The Gathering. We know that the vision for The Gathering and The Gathering community itself are bigger than any one person. We believe the Divine Presence is more fully represented and known when more voices are represented and included. Which is why your help in co-visioning, co-planning, and co-creating our August Gathering times is so important.
In August we begin our new Gathering schedule, with worship scheduled for the first and third Sundays of the month, education/movies/conversation/meditations on the second and fourth Sundays of each month, and the fifth Sunday still being our Community Conversation Regarding Our Priorities (aka Gathering for Sacred Business). Sunday, August 15, has already been designated a Taize service, and Sunday, the 29th, is our Community Conversation Regarding Our Priorities - which means I'd love to have your help with worship planning for August 1, the Taize service on the 15th, and/or The Gatherings on August 8 and 22.
You don't have to have any experience with this! It's a creative conversation between us and the Spirit as we brainstorm, vision, and see where the Spirit's leading takes us. Anyone is welcome to participate. Interested in watching a movie? Interested in discussing a particular verse or reading or want to sing or hear a particular song? Interested in a particular offering recipient? Then come help co-plan a Gathering! To let me know that you're interested, email or call me, 374-1566. The community and our Gatherings are absolutely richer and more interesting because of the collaborative contributions of all of us!
As we engage nationally in conversation and argument about immigration, our Jewish ancestors offer us a word for reflection:
Befriend the foreigner, for you were once foreigners... Deuteronomy 10:19
Sharing Our Resources
Generosity is revolutionary, counter-instinctual. Our survival instinct is to care only for ourselves and our loved ones. But we can transform our relationship to that survival instinct by constantly asking ourselves, 'How can I use my life's energy to benefit all living beings?'
-Noah Levine, "Generosity (and Greed) Introduction" (Spring 2010)
Offering for July 4: $347
$202 given for The People/Plant Connection
$145 given for The Gathering
Who do you say that we are?
Some Descriptors of The Gathering:
Liberal, progressive, inclusive, fun, United Church of Christ, eclectic, Christian, thought provoking, intellectually engaging, LGBT, Interdenominational, multi-cultural, theologically stimulating, compassionate, spiritually nourishing, open & affirming, welcoming & accessible to all, different, philosophical, social justice and nontraditional.
We are a sanctuary for those on a liberal religious path and a beacon of progressive thought and action in San Angelo.
No Matter Who You Are or Where You Are on Life's Journey, You Are Welcome Here.
Gatherers in Our Prayers
Larry Luvaul's on-going recovery
Larry and Irene Luvaul as they prepare to move
Lucy Hines (Pat's Cocker Spaniel) as she undergoes delicate surgery in Dallas on Friday, July 9
Sending you love
And more love. Pass love around. Your loving presence is contagious. The fish and oil-soaked egrets in the Gulf of Mexico need your love. So do the black-maned lions of Africa and bright yellow Gerber daisies of tropical Asia. The Haitians living in tents, the San Angelo children receiving free lunches, and the families of American, Afghani, and Iraqi soldiers all need our love. Partnering with Divine Loving Presence can transform the world.
The Gathering
Our dynamic community offers you an inclusive spiritual home. We gather as works-in-progress in a chorus of Divine Mystery, committed to the possibilities in all God's creation through authentic relationship.
Service, Integrity, Inclusiveness, Love, Compassion, Humor, Joy
ONA (Open and Affirming) Statement:
The Gathering affirms the inherent dignity and sacredness of human beings and the value of all life in the universe. We welcome and celebrate persons of all racial and ethnic heritages, all gender identities and sexual orientations, and all faith perspectives into the full life and ministry of The Gathering.
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