Community Conversation Regarding Our Priorities
We've got a lot going on in The Gathering and much to share with each other, so this evening will be full of engaging with the Spirit and discussing and deciding things that shape who we are. You are encouraged to participate. The Gathering is a collaborative community where, just as our bell banner symbolizes, each voice is unique and important in making up the whole chorus. We say we welcome all into the "full life and ministry of The Gathering" and that doesn't just mean others - it means us, too!
Recognizing the time issue, we will not have a regular pot-luck; feel free, however, to bring a sack supper if you'd like. Our monetary offering will be designated for The Gathering; you are also invited to bring school supplies which will be donated to Austin Elementary, the school zone in which Promenade Square (618 Locust) resides.
Sunday, August 29
5:30 pm, 618 Locust Street
Eating for a Better Future
Kids Eat! Program a Body and Soul Success!
Woohoo! Tom Green County children are back in school with healthy brains - because of summer break. Or, at least because of what happened during lunch throughout the summer. According to Carol Rigby-Hiebert, coordinator of the Kids Eat! summer feeding program, Tom Green County kids (and some of their parents) did, in fact, eat healthy lunches this summer, which makes a huge difference in their physical and mental school-readiness now.
She states:
Nearly 14,000 meals were served to children;
Nearly 2,400 meals were served to parents/caregivers;
Nearly 18,000 total meals were served;
Over 550 take home bags were distributed at 3 sites;
Additionally, the Boys and Girls Club served approximately 7,100 meals to children.
The Gathering contributed $245 to the effort. For media coverage, check out the Standard-Times article.
Season of Peace
The Peace Ambassadors of West Texas, an interfaith group of citizens working together to promote peace through understanding by education and building relationships, announce the 2010 "Peace Begins with Me" Season of Peace! This is the third year of bringing our community together by offering interfaith dialogues, prayer services, and educational programs which break down the walls separating us one from another.
The Season of Peace will include:
Sept. 9, 7 p.m. Unity Church: Interfaith opening prayer service.Through prayer and meditation, we experience the inner peace promised by God. From this inner state of peace, we manifest peace in our community and in our world.
Sept. 11, 9 a.m. at the 911 Memorial: An inter faith 9/11 Memorial program.
Sept 16, 6:30 p.m. at San Angelo Convention Center, North Meeting Room C: The Gathering is hosting Turk Pipkin's film One Peace at a Time.
Sept. 19, at Unity Church: Musical program with Dwaine Briggs singing uplifting and inspiring songs of peace.
Sept. 21, at 6:30 at ASU Davidson Ballroom: A presentation hosted by ASU featuring Dr. Helen Rose Ebaugh, Professor of World Religions from the University of Houston. She will be speaking about the importance of inter faith dialogues and will also be focusing on the myths behind Islam and what we hear in the media.
Reasons & Opportunities to Gather in September
Sunday, August 29 - Gathering for Sacred Business, 5:30 pm, 618 Locust Street.
Thursday, September 2 - ASU HERO meeting (Helping Educate Regarding Orientation).
Sunday, September 5 -Oneness Blessing , 1:30 pm, Unity Church.
Sunday, September 5 - Gathering for Worship, 5:30 pm, 618 Locust Street. I am seeking help in co-planning and leading worship.
Monday, September 6 - Meeting for silent Quaker worship, 6:30 pm, 1305 St. Andrews
Sunday, September 12 - Gathering for Reflection and Conversation. Teresa Rylander and Karen co-leading. 5:30 pm, 618 Locust.
Thursday, September 16 - The Gathering Film Series begins! 6:30 pm, San Angelo Convention Center.
Sunday, September 19 - Gathering for Worship. I am seeking help in co-planning and leading worship.
Sunday, September 24 - Gathering to Receive a Blessing via the Oneness Blessing, 5:30 pm, 618 Locust Street.
Sharing Our Resources
Sunday, 15 August:
Total - $612.27
West Texas Organizing Strategy - $215
The Gathering - $350
In-Kind Donation - $47.27
Sunday, 22 August:
Total - $360
Church World Service (for Pakistan aid) - $210
The Gathering - $110
In-Kind Donation - $40
Words of Appreciation
The Gathering,
You're the greatest! We appreciate your support of our Center's programs! Your efforts enable us to make a difference in the lives of the individuals we serve and other community stakeholders.
An Education in Religious Freedom
War on Prayer
When the student is ready, the master appears.
Buddhist Proverb
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