It feels like a miracle happened within The Gathering. Saturday night, April 21:
"Hello to all--how nice to be able to do this today myself. I was discharged from the hospital Thursday afternoon. Karen and I drove to Kerrville where her parents are so nice to offer us respite. I feel gratitude and appreciation for my good fortune--it is quite humbling. We likely will stay in Kerrville for awhile as it is only 60 miles to the hospital front door. There is a post-trans clinic every Tuesday morning at 730 am. Thanks, many thanks to all that have called and written with encouragement and support." - Neil
Karen - I'm impressed with Neil's determination to be as healthy as possible. His efforts before transplant have greatly contributed to his remarkable recovery so far. His determination to follow protocol and get well since the surgery is incredible. In his meditation practice before transplant, he was attempting to develop an attitude of surrender to the change and compassion for the task. It seems this practice has helped his body release his old lungs and receive the new lungs.
Certainly there have been and will continue to be "hiccups" (his word) in the journey, and, as he reminds me, we're only 10 days post-transplant. The transplant team stressed that the first several months post-transplant can be volatile for lung transplant patients, and we know he is far from "well." But it does seem his new lungs like their new body, and his body likes his new lungs. My father said, "This seems to be a match made in heaven." That said, we are also humbled by and grateful for the commitment of his original lungs to his well being - for as sick as they were, they worked so hard on his behalf.
We've already had so many learnings in all areas - physical, spiritual, emotional, mental, communal - and we continue to be appreciative of the many ways you are caring for us and holding us in Divine Healing and Light. Thank you.
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