Saturday, June 9, 2012

Sending Sympathy, Love and Support


Someday soon I hope to get back to sending interesting, colorful, festive, informative, and inspiring weekly e-newsletters (I'm hoping the e-newsletters used to be all those things).  At the beginning of this transplant journey, Isobelle graciously offered to help with the e-newsletters, but I thought managing them was no big deal.  Hah!  In the past 2 months, I've definitely run up against the hubris of thinking I can do everything.  Perhaps I also keep hoping for some routine and predictability in this chaotic time, and managing the e-newsletters symbolizes that.   What's the quote - hope springs eternal?  Well, I may be hoping, but routine and predictability have not yet returned, so maybe one day soon I'll get out an interesting, colorful, etc, e-newsletter but not today.

Thank you for your prayers and thoughts during the past couple of weeks.  Neil's father, Thomas G. Snipes, Sr, died early Saturday morning, June 2.  The graveside service was Sunday afternoon, in a beautiful country cemetery outside Mt. Vernon, TX.  For most of the gathered family and friends, this was their first opportunity to see Neil post-transplant (after all, it's only been 8 weeks), and the first opportunity in many months to see him at all because of his travel restrictions while on the transplant list.  So as is often the case, but perhaps more obvious this Sunday, gathering for a death was also an opportunity to celebrate life.

We were in San Antonio by early Tuesday morning for post-transplant clinic and finally returned to San Angelo Wednesday night.  While it's been a full and tiring several days, we're very glad Neil and I were able to be present with his siblings and other family members for his father's burial.  We appreciate your continued care as we begin transitioning to life without Tom.

As to Sunday's Gathering, Dick Marine is planning the service.  He says it's going to be very unusual, surprising, and different, so don't miss it.  I've lost track of days, but I believe this is the second Sunday of the month; if so, there's no potluck this Sunday.  At this time, I don't know the designated offering recipient.

You are a wonderful community - holding each other in love and care, providing a witness of compassion and justice to the San Angelo area, seeking to be a vibrant inclusive progressive faith community in a conservative traditional community.  None of these is particularly easy; all together they are quite challenging.  Kudos to you for keeping after all of it. 

Grace and peace,

The Gathering sends our heartfelt sympathy to Karen, Neil and all who loved Neil's father.  We hold you close in our hearts and keep you in our prayers.

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