Lent: Cultivating Greatness of Soul The Christian season of Lent began Wednesday, February 17, with Ash Wednesday. A traditional view of Lent is that it's a time of sacrifice and restriction, a journey to the desert of repentance. Spiritual guide and Catholic priest Edward Hays invites us to experience Lent instead as a time of expansion and growth. It is a journey, yes, and also a time of practicing spiritual disciplines, yes - but not for the purpose of diminishing and flagellating ourselves. Our efforts at things like contemplation, reading sacred texts, worship, prayer, service to others, practicing generosity and hospitality are to positively develop our relationship with God and enhance our connectedness with others. He states: Lent as a holy season challenges one to aspire to be as Godlike as possible in forgiving and loving. We've all heard how the average person actualizes very little of his or her potential mental powers; the same is true of our spiritual potential. Lent as a holy season challenges one to reach for that potential, to aspire toward the greatness of soul that comes from cultivating virtues like justice, mercy, and love. May this Lenten season be a time of deepening attention to the Sacred and also the ever-widening circle of Love and Compassion.
| The Gathering Sunday, February 21, 5:30 pm, 618 Locust Street
This Sunday, February 21, we will begin this Lenten effort at cultivating "greatness of soul" with a time of meditation and reflection. Ann writes: Come and join us for this meditation experience as Neil, Ann and Karen help us discover our Soul's Genealogy. Our food theme (naturally) will be "soul" food - which means bring anything that makes your soul (and body) sing. Our offering will go to a local organization doing its best to bring forth singing and nourishment in both bodies and souls - Meals for the Elderly.
Sunday, February 21, 5:30 pm Promenade Square - 618 Locust Street
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"I am the vine; you are the branches"
Lenten afternoon of reflection and retreat
Brenda Maiman is offering a two-hour contemplative retreat, 1:30-3:30, Sunday, February 21. The retreat will include significant times of silence and will be held at Holy Angels Catholic Church. Child care is available upon pre- registration. Please call 949-3308 to pre-register.
Who We Believe the Divine is Calling Us to Be
The Gathering's Purpose:
Our dynamic community offers you an inclusive spiritual home. We gather as works-in-progress in a chorus of Divine Mystery, committed to the possibilities in all God's creation through authentic relationship.
Our Practices:
Service, Integrity, Inclusiveness, Love, Compassion, Humor, Joy
Open and Affirming Statement:
The Gathering affirms the inherent dignity and sacredness of human beings and the value of all life in the universe. We welcome and celebrate persons of all racial and ethnic heritages, all gender identities and sexual orientations, and all faith perspectives into the full life and ministry of The Gathering.
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Wesley Daily Bread Soup Kitchen Re-Scheduled Due to a scheduling snafu at Wesley, we've been asked to reschedule our date of service from Saturday, February 27 to Saturday, March 13. The Saturday in March is the first Saturday of Spring Break, and I figure it's a great way for all you spring breakers to begin the week of vacation! For those of us who aren't going to be off the following week, it's just a great way to spend a Saturday! I would appreciate it if someone would offer to be the 'go-to" person for this service effort. Let me know that you'd like to be assume that leadership role, and I'll tell you everything you need to know to make it a satisfying day - not just for us, but also for those who will seek lunch that day at the Wesley Daily Bread Soup Kitchen. What an opportunity to cultivate greatness of soul.
Celebrations & Concerns
We celebrate the offering of $285 to the West Texas Organizing Strategy on February 7, 2010. This was part of our Souper Bowl of Caring offering. We also gave $75 to The Gathering on 2/7.
Ellen is appreciative of both prayers and leads for both immediate and long-term jobs.
Remember the Meeting Space Workgroup as they seek the next right Gathering place.
Hold in Divine Light: *The rebuilding efforts in Haiti;
*Those living in war zones;
*The national health care conversation;
*Local and state elections;
*Refugees seeking peace, stability, freedom from fear, hunger, war, prejudice;
*The environment - all of God's creation on this planet and in the universe;
*Those working for Justice and Love.
| Upcoming Events
Friday, February 19: Sweethearts and Jazz United Campus Ministry Fundraiser Saturday, March 13: Wesley Daily Bread Soup Kitchen Saturday, March 20: North Texas Association of the South Central Conference (UCC) Spring Meeting, Master's Workshop Camp, Waco area Friday-Saturday, March 26-27: Oneness Retreat Sunday, April 4: EASTER Saturday, May 22: Wesley Daily Bread Soup Kitchen Friday-Sunday, June 4-6: UCC South Central Conference Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana | | |
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