Friday, February 26, 2010

The Season of Lent

The Season of Lent:
A Call to Awaken and Embrace our Lives

In reflecting about the season of Lent and particularly Ash Wednesday, the day that begins the season, Jeremy Rutledge, Pastor of Covenant
Church, Houston, writes:
Perhaps we are meant to understand that the human Jesus faced the same kinds of struggles that we all face. He felt the temptations of power, fame, longevity, yet his life took a different path. He was on the road to death just as surely as we are. He could see it.... He knew the old Hebrew: "From dust you have come," dear rabbi. Yet before he returned to dust he embraced his days. He called us to wake up. He invited us to see each other. He asked us to forgive each other. He taught us that loving each other was the greatest commandment.

So we begin this season with this stark reminder... Wake up, we are saying. Do not miss this life. Do not miss each other. Do not miss the questions that still wait to rise, just as the moon this night... Crisp air enters my lungs and I remember Thich Nhat Hahn's words. "Breathing in, I have arrived. Breathing out, I am home." If only I could remember this....

This season we are each invited to contemplate our mortality and to live accordingly.


Sunday, February 28, 2010; 5:30 pm; 618 Locust Street
Sunday Neil will lead the discussion as we attempt to grasp a very different set of ideas about belief in God. Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986), a renowned spiritual teacher, asks us to consider that across the human race the different beliefs in God only divide people with dogma, doctrine and rituals and create confusion and intolerance. He suggests, in fact, that beliefs in God actually impede spiritual development. But what are we left with if we don't believe in God? Come explore this very different dimension of spiritual concept. and wrestle, perhaps, with an idea that seems to make no sense.

Our offering will be designated for The Gathering. In addition to our monetary offering, you are always invited to bring canned or boxed foods for our ongoing contributions to Project Dignidad.

Our pot luck food theme is simple and healthy.

We Celebrate...

*The Beauty, Silence, and Fun of Snow!

*That new folks continue to find The Gathering. If each person is a reflection of the Divine, then we more fully experience and know the Sacred Presence with the addition of each person.

Communal Meal

One piece of what makes The Gathering The Gathering is sharing our communal meals. Some may wonder, in fact, why our potlucks are so important to us. We believe that "Communion" is made as we sit down at a table together to share food and share ourselves. Our meal is a sacred way of tying us together and tying us to God.

We ALWAYS have plenty, and in fact, the abundance is one indicator of our delight in gathering around the table together. So please know that you DO NOT need to bring something in order to come to The Gathering, and also please know that whether you bring anything or not, there is ALWAYS enough for all who come to the table. You are welcome to come and receive; you are welcome to be nourished from the abundance. You are welcome to bring and share. You are welcome at The Gathering - however you are inclined to attend!

Vote! It's a spiritual experience.
Primary Election Day: March 2, 2010
Upcoming Events

Sunday, March 7, 2010 - Gathering Worship
Saturday, March 13, 2010 - Wesley Daily Bread Soup Kitchen
Sunday, March 14, 2010 - Quaker Worship, led by Lisa Dale
Saturday, March 20, 2010 - North Texas Association SCCUCC Spring Meeting
Sunday, March 21, 2010 - Meditation, Co-led by Isobelle Fox

Sharing the Love on Valentine's Sunday
Pennies for Peace: $382
The Gathering: $200
Total Offering: $582

Sharing our Abundance last Sunday
Meals for the Elderly: $276
The Gathering: $100
Total Offering: $376


St. John's United Church of Christ, Robinson, TX, continues to model generosity, vision, and encouragement for us and the South Central Conference by including new church starts in their 2010 annual budget. Through their gifts of prayer, letters of encouragement and $100 every other month, they are partnering with the Spirit and The Gathering (and possibly other new church starts, as well) in creating this new community. Thank you, St. John's!


2009 Total offerings collected at Gatherings: $11,194.00
2009 Total offerings given by The Gathering to other ministries:
$6,867.00 + $500 in-kind donations.
Thank you for continuing to live our practices of compassion, integrity, service, inclusiveness, humor, joy, and love.

Gathered in Love in the family of Life, we are One Sacred Community.

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